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the searchers中文是什么意思

用"the searchers"造句"the searchers"怎么读"the searchers" in a sentence


  • 搜索者/日落狂沙
  • 搜寻者


  • That contains the query to be invoked in the searcher
  • They must stay there and wait until the searchers came
  • The escaped prisoners lay doggo in a haystack until the searchers had gone away
  • Gets or sets the query to be invoked in the searcher that is , the criteria to be applied to the search for management objects
    Managementobjectsearcher . query属性获取或设置要在搜索器中调用的查询(即搜索管理对象时要应用的条件) 。
  • The majority of the searchers had given up the quest and gone back to their daily avocations , saying that it was plain the children could never be found
  • Topaz was believed to emit its own light , so at night the searchers would mark the areas where the topaz was located and then return during the day to extract it
    最佳的鉴定方法是密度,在二碘甲烷(密度为3 . 32克立方厘米)重液中黄玉下沉,上述的相似宝石漂浮。
  • Organizations are starting to pay for content that could be found for free on the web ? if only the searcher knew where to look
  • Late in the process , just prior to the purchase decision , the searcher now has a thorough understanding of specific needs , wants , and issues affecting the purchase decision
  • So the searchers went in and got out rahab and her father and mother and her brothers and all she had , and they got out all her family ; and they took them outside the tents of israel
  • And she said to them , get away into the hill - country , or the men who have gone after you will overtake you ; keep yourselves safe there for three days , till the searchers have come back , and then go on your way
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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